Linear Circuit Analysis
1. Introduction
2. Basic Concepts
- Currents and voltages
- Linear circuits
- Linear components
- Loops and nodes
- Series and parallel
- R, L & C combinations
- V & I combinations
- Power and energy
3. Simple Circuits
- Ohm's law
- Kirchhoff's current law
- Kirchhoff's voltage law
- Single loop circuits
- Single node-pair circuits
- Voltage division
- Current division
4. Nodal and Mesh Analysis
5. Additional Analysis Techniques
- Superposition
- Source transformation
- The $V_{test}/I_{test}$ method
- Norton equivalent
- Thévenin equivalent
- Max power transfer
6. AC Analysis
7. Magnetically Coupled Circuits
8. Operational Amplifiers
9. Laplace Transforms
10. Time-Dependent Circuits
- Introduction
- First-order transients
- Nodal analysis
- Mesh analysis
- Laplace transforms
- Additional techniques
11. Two-port networks
Assignments by chapter
Below are the recommended assignments (HW1-HW31) that are generated by default when the instructor creates a new Linear Circuit Analysis course and choses Selected HW assignments by chapter (32 assignments).
Module number | HW number | HW | Description |
Module 1 | Series/Parallel | HW 1 | Identify R, L, C, voltage and current sources, nodes, and loops, series and parallel connections. |
Module 2 | Resistor simplification | HW 2 | Simplify a network of resistors using series and parallel transformations. |
Module 3 | L/C simplification | HW 3 | Simplify networks of capacitors and inductors using series and parallel transformations. |
Module 4 | Simple circuits | HW 4 | Compute currents, voltages, and powers (dissipated and generated) in simple networks using KVL, KCL, current and voltage division. |
Module 5 | DC nodal analysis (eqs.) | HW 5 | Write the system of nodal analysis equations (but do not solve it). |
Module 6 | DC nodal analysis (num.) | HW 6 | Write and solve the system of nodal analysis equations to compute currents, voltages and powers. |
Module 7 | DC mesh analysis (eqs.) | HW 7 | Write the system of mesh analysis equations (but do not solve it). |
Module 8 | DC mesh analysis (num.) | HW 8 | Write and solve the system of mesh analysis equations to compute currents, voltages and powers. |
Module 9 | DC superposition | HW 9 | Use the superposition method to compute currents and voltages in electric networks. |
Module 10 | DC Source transformation | HW 10 | Simplify a circuit using successive source transformations. |
Module 11 | DC Norton/Thévenin | HW 11 | Compute the Norton and Thévenin equivalent circuits or DC networks. |
Module 12 | DC OpAmps | HW 12 | Analyze circuits containing one or more operational amplifiers. |
Module 13 | Impedance simplification | HW 13 | Compute the effective impedance of an AC network of R, L, and C using series and parallel combinations. |
Module 14 | AC nodal analysis | HW 14 | Compute currents and voltages in AC circuits using nodal analysis. |
Module 15 | AC mesh analysis | HW 15 | Compute currents and voltages in AC circuits using mesh analysis. |
Module 16 | AC superposition | HW 16 | Use the superposition method to compute currents and voltages in AC circuits. |
Module 17 | AC Source transformation | HW 17 | Simplify an AC circuit using successive source transformations. |
Module 18 | AC Norton/Thévenin | HW 18 | Compute the Norton and Thévenin equivalent circuits or AC networks. |
Module 19 | AC OpAmps | HW 19 | Single OpAmp inverters and followers containing AC sources, resistors, inductors, and capacitors. |
Module 20 | AC power | HW 20 | Compute real power, reactive power, complex power, and power factor in AC circuits. |
Module 21 | AC maximum power transfer | HW 21 | Compute maximum power transferred in AC circuits; AC power factor correction. |
Module 22 | First-order transient circuits | HW 22 | Use the time relaxation approach to compute current and voltages in first-order transient circuits. |
Module 23 | ODE nodal analysis (eqs.) | HW 23 | Write the system of nodal analysis ODEs for first, second and higher-order transient circuits (zero and non-zero initial conditions). |
Module 24 | ODE mesh analysis (eqs.) | HW 24 | Write the system of mesh analysis ODEs for first, second and higher-order transient circuits (zero and non-zero initial conditions). |
Module 25 | Laplace transforms | HW 25 | Compute the direct Laplace transform of various functions. |
Module 26 | Inverse Laplace transforms | HW 26 | Compute the inverse Laplace transform of various functions. |
Module 27 | Laplace impedance simplification | HW 27 | Tranform a circuit to s-domain and compute its equivalent s-domain impedance. |
Module 28 | Laplace nodal analysis (num.) | HW 28 | Convert circuits to s-domain, then write and solve the system of nodal analysis equations for first and second-order transient circuits (zero initial conditions). |
Module 29 | Laplace mesh analysis (num.) | HW 29 | Convert circuits to s-domain, then write and solve the system of mesh analysis equations for first and second-order transient circuits (zero initial conditions). |
Module 30 | Laplace analysis (num.) | HW 30 | Source transformations, Norton/Thévenin equivalent circuits and superposition in the s-domain (zero initial conditions). |
Module 31 | Two-port networks | HW 31 | Compute y, z, h, and t parameters of DC and AC two-port networks. |
Module 32 | Bode plots | HW 32 | Derive transfer function from a Bode magnitude plot and draw the Bode magnitude plot of a transfer function. |