Linear Circuit Analysis

Voltage Source Combinations


If two or more voltage sources $V_1$, $V_2$, ... $V_n$ are connected in series they can be replaced with a single voltage source with $$V_{eff}=\pm V_1 \pm V_2\pm...\pm V_n$$ where the terms in the right hand side are taken with $+$ sign if the corresponding voltage source $V_i$ is oriented in the same direction with $V_{eff}$ and with $-$ sign if $V_i$ is oriented in opposite direction with $V_{eff}$. Since the voltage sources are all connected in series, when we replace $V_i$ with $V_{eff}$, we need to replace the other voltage sources with short-circuits (wires).

For instance, considering the circuit in Fig. 1, voltage sources $V_1$ and $V_2$ are connected in series. Therefore, we can keep one the voltage sources, say $V_1$, replace its value with $V_{eff}=V_1-V_2$, and replace voltage source $V_2$ with a wire.

V V1 V2 R1 L1 C1 R Veff R1 L1 C1 R Veff R1 L1 C1
Fig. 1. When combining multiple voltage sources that are connected in series, we keep one voltage source and short-circuit the others. The 3 diagrams are equivalent with each other.

Voltage sources should never be combined in parallel.

See also

Current Source Combinations


Current sources should never be combined in series.


If two or more current sources $I_1$, $I_2$, ... $I_n$ are connected in parallel they can be replaced with a single current source with $$I_{eff}=\pm I_1 \pm I_2\pm...\pm I_n$$ where the terms in the right hand side are taken with $+$ sign if the corresponding current source $I_i$ is oriented in the same direction with $I_{eff}$ and with $-$ sign if $I_i$ is oriented in opposite direction with $I_{eff}$. Since all the current sources are connecte in parallel, when we replace $I_i$ with $I_{eff}$, we need to remove the other current sources.

For instance, considering the circuit in Fig. 2, current sources $I_1$, $I_2$, and $I_3$ are connected in parallel. Therefore, we can keep one the current sources, say $I_1$, replace its value with $I_{eff}=I_1-I_2+I_3$, and remove current sources $I_2$ and $I_3$ from the circuit.

I R1 R2 I1 I2 I3 R R1 R2 Ieff R R1 R2 Ieff R R1 R2 Ieff
Fig. 2. When combining multiple current sources that are connected in parallel, we keep one current source and remove the others. The 4 diagrams are equivalent with each other.
See also