Linear Circuit Analysis

Voltage Division

Voltage division is a technique that can be used to compute the voltage across each resistor of a series combination of resistors when the voltage across all the resistors is known. For instance, if we have $n$ resistors connected in series and the total voltage across them is $V$, the voltage across resistor $R_i$ is equal to $$\begin{equation}V_i=V\frac{R_i}{R_1+R_2+...+R_n}\end{equation}$$

In the case of only two resistors, the previous equation gives $$\begin{equation}V_1=V\frac{R_1}{R_1+R_2}\end{equation}$$ $$\begin{equation}V_2=V\frac{R_2}{R_1+R_2}\end{equation}$$

For instance, consider the circuit shown in Fig. 1.

20V + V1 2 + V2 5 + V3 3
Fig. 1. Applying voltage division when the total voltage across three resistors connected in series is given.

Applying voltage division we obtain $$V_{1}=20\ V \times\frac{2}{2+5+3}=4\ V$$ $$V_{2}=20\ V \times\frac{5}{2+5+3}=10\ V$$ $$V_{3}=-20\ V \times\frac{3}{2+5+3}=-6\ V$$ Notice that, in the last equation, we took $V_3$ with negative sign because voltage $V_3$ is defined in opposite direction than the voltage induced by the $20\ V$ voltage source.

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Voltage divider