Linear Circuit Analysis
1. Introduction
2. Basic Concepts
- Currents and voltages
- Linear circuits
- Linear components
- Loops and nodes
- Series and parallel
- R, L & C combinations
- V & I combinations
- Power and energy
3. Simple Circuits
- Ohm's law
- Kirchhoff's current law
- Kirchhoff's voltage law
- Single loop circuits
- Single node-pair circuits
- Voltage division
- Current division
4. Nodal and Mesh Analysis
5. Additional Analysis Techniques
- Superposition
- Source transformation
- The $V_{test}/I_{test}$ method
- Norton equivalent
- Thévenin equivalent
- Max power transfer
6. AC Analysis
7. Magnetically Coupled Circuits
8. Operational Amplifiers
9. Laplace Transforms
10. Time-Dependent Circuits
- Introduction
- First-order transients
- Nodal analysis
- Mesh analysis
- Laplace transforms
- Additional techniques
11. Two-port networks
Topics convered in CircuitsU
Below is the list of chapters, for which CircuitsU can generate random problems. The instructor can re-organize the content of the chapters and topics covered in each chapter, and change the type, difficulty, and number of homework problems that the site will generate in each homework assignment. The instructor can also build homework assignments covering problems from different chapters (for instance, to design a midterm or a final exam).
Chapter 1 is an introduction to electric components and circuit diagrams and is the homework associated with it is usually assigned in the first week of classes for students to get used with the website. Chapters 2-9 focus on DC circuits; chapters 10-21 focus on AC circuits; chapters 22-27 focus on Laplace transforms and first and second-order transient circuits. These homework assignments cover most of the topics that are usually covered in a college-level, introductory course on linear circuit analysis. For instance, if the Linear Circuit Analysis course is taught as a:
- year-long course sequence: most topics could be covered throughout the course
- two-semester course sequence: chapters 1-16 could be offered during the first semester and chapters 17-26 are offered during the second semester
- three-quarter course sequence: chapters 1-9 could be offered during the first quarter, chapters 10-17 are offered during the second quarter, and chapters 18-26 are offered in the third quarter
Types of problems
- General problems, in which students need to answer simple questions such as identifing different components in a circuit, or series and parallel connections.
- Numerical problems, (ℕ), in which the known variables in the problem are given numerically and students need to compute the shought variable or variables numerically.
- Analytical problems, (Ⓐ), in which the known variables are given symbolically and the students need to compute the analytically.
- Design problems, (ⅅ), in which students need to comptute specific elements in a circuit in order for some conditions to be satisfied (e.g. what are the values of specific resistors such that the gain of an amplifier to be equal to 10).
1. Nodes and loops, series and parallel connections
- Identify resistors, capacitors, inductors, voltage and current sources in electric circuit diagrams
- Identify nodes and loops in electric circuits
- Identify series and parallel connections
2. R, L, C combinations
- Compute the equivalent resistance of a resistor network
- Compute the equivalent capacitance/inductance of a network of capacitors/inductors
3. Simple circuits
- Use KVL and KCL to analyze single loop and single node-pair circuits
- Use voltage and current division to solve simple circuits
- Compute the power generated/dissipated by a component
4. DC nodal analysis
- Write and solve the system of nodal equations in DC circuits
- Compute DC currents, voltages, and powers using nodal analysis
- Use nodal analysis to solve design problems
5. DC mesh analysis
- Write and solve the system of mesh equations in DC circuits
- Compute DC currents, voltages, and powers using mesh analysis
- Use mesh analysis to solve design problems
6. DC superposition
- Analyze DC circuits using the method of superposition
7. DC source transformation
- Use source transformation to compute currents, voltages and powers in DC circuits
8. DC Norton and Thévenin equivalent circuits
- Compute the Norton and Thévenin equivalent circuits of a DC network
- Simplify DC circuits by making successive source transformations
9. Operational amplifiers (DC)
- Analyze DC circuits with ideal OpAmps
- Analyze DC circuits with real OpAmps (in which $A$, $R_{in}$ and/or $R_{out}$ are nonzero and finite
10. Impedance simplification (AC)
- Compute the equivalent (complex) impedance of a network containing resistors, capacitors and inductors
11. AC nodal analysis
- Write and solve the system of nodal equations in AC circuits
- Compute AC currents and voltages using nodal analysis
12. AC mesh analysis
- Write and solve the system of mesh equations in AC circuits
- Compute AC currents and voltages using mesh analysis
13. AC superposition
- Analyze AC circuits using the method of superposition
14. AC source transformation
- Use source transformation to compute currents and voltages in AC circuits
15. AC Norton and Thévenin equivalent circuits
- Compute the Norton and Thévenin equivalent circuits of an AC network
- Simplify AC circuits by making successive source transformations
16. Operational amplifiers (AC)
- Analyze AC circuits with ideal OpAmps
17. AC power analysis
- Calculate instantaneous and average power in AC circuits
- Calculate real power, reactive power, complex power, and power factor in AC circuits
- Find maximum power transfer
18. Magnetically coupled networks
- Solve problems with magnetically coupled inductors
- Solve problems with ideal transformers
- To be implemented in Spring 2024
19. Polyphase circuits
- Three phase circuits
- Not yet implemented
20. Two-port networks
- Calculate the admittance ($y$), impedance ($z$), hybrid ($h$ and $g$), and transmission ($t$ and $t'$) parameters for two-port networks
- Convert from one type of network parameters to another type (e.g. $y$-parameters to $z$-parameters,...)
21. Frequency Selective Circuits
- Compute voltage gain ($G_v$), current gain ($G_i$), transimpedance ($Z$), and transadmittance ($Y$) of AC filters
- Compute the transfer function from a given Bode plot
- Draw the straight-line Bode magnitude plot for a specific transfer function
- Compute the resonant frequency, bandwidth, quality factor, half-power frequencies etc. in RLC circuits
22. Laplace transforms
- Compute the direct and inverse Laplace transforms of different functions using the linearity of Laplace transforms, time-shifting, frequency shifting, etc.
23. Laplace impedance simplification
- Transform a circuit from time domain to s-domain
- Compute the impedance of a circuit in the s-domain
24. First-order transient circuits
Compute time-dependent currents and voltages in first-order transient circuits using:
1) the time relaxation approach (aka step-by-step approach)
2) the Laplace transform method
3) the method of integro-differential equations (for nodal and mesh analysis)
25. Second-order transient circuits
Compute time-dependent currents and voltages in second-order transient circuits using:
1) the Laplace transform method
2) the method of integro-differential equations (nodal and mesh) analysis
26. Other applications of Laplace transforms
- Superposition in the s-domain
- Source transformation in the s-domain
- Norton and Thévenin equivalent circuits in the s-domain
- Higher-order transient circuits