Linear Circuit Analysis

2-Semester Courseplan

Semester 1

Below are the recommended assignments (HW1-HW17) that are generated by default when the instructor creates a new Linear Circuit Analysis course and choses Semester 1 in a 2-semester course. The table shows the proposed due dates for each HW set but each instructor can set his or her own time schedule. The instructor can also re-organize the content and change the type, difficulty, and number of homework problems in each set.

Week numbera HW number HW Assignment numberb Due Description
Week 1 Series/Parallel HW 1 1 End of 2nd week Identify R, L, C, voltage and current sources, nodes, and loops, series and parallel connections.
Week 2 Resistor simplification HW 2 1 End of 2nd week Simplify a network of resistors using series and parallel transformations.
Week 2 L/C simplification HW 3 1 End of 2nd week Simplify networks of capacitors and inductors using series and parallel transformations.
Week 3 Simple circuits HW 4 2 End of 3rd week Compute currents, voltages, and powers (dissipated and generated) in simple networks using KVL, KCL, current and voltage division.
Week 4 DC nodal analysis (eqs.) HW 5 3 Beginnig of 5th week Write the system of nodal analysis equations (but do not solve it).
Week 4 DC nodal analysis (num.) HW 6 3 Beginnig of 5th week Write and solve the system of nodal analysis equations to compute currents, voltages and powers.
Week 5 DC mesh analysis (eqs.) HW 7 4 End of 6th week Write the system of mesh analysis equations (but do not solve it).
Week 5 DC mesh analysis (num.) HW 8 4 End of 6th week Write and solve the system of mesh analysis equations to compute currents, voltages and powers.
Week 6 Midterm 1
Week 7 DC superposition HW 9 5 End of 8th week Use the superposition method to compute currents and voltages in electric networks.
Week 7 DC Source transformation HW 10 6 Begining of 10th week Simplify a circuit using successive source transformations.
Week 8 DC Norton/Thévenin HW 11 6 Begining of 10th week Compute the Norton and Thévenin equivalent circuits or DC networks.
Week 9 DC OpAmps HW 12 7 Begining of 11th week Analyze circuits containing one or more operational amplifiers.
Week 10 Impedance simplification HW 13 8 Beginnig of 12th week Compute the effective impedance of an AC network of R, L, and C using series and parallel combinations.
Week 11 AC nodal analysis HW 14 9 Beginnig of 13h week Compute currents and voltages in AC circuits using nodal analysis.
Week 12 AC mesh analysis HW 15 10 Beginnig of 14th week Compute currents and voltages in AC circuits using mesh analysis.
Week 14 Midterm 2
Week 13 AC analysis HW 16 11 End of 15th week Use superposition, Norton and Thévenin, and other AC analysis techniques (including time-domain/complex transformations) to solve AC problems.
Week 15 AC OpAmps HW 17 12 End of 16th week Single OpAmp inverters and followers containing AC sources, resistors, inductors, and capacitors.
Week 15 Review
Week 16 Final exam

aThe week when the topic is covered.

bHomeworks that have the same assignment number have the same deadlines. For instance, Assignment number 1 containts HW1, HW2, and HW3, which are all due at the end of the second week of classes.

Semester 2

Below are the recommended assignments (HW1-HW11) that are generated by default when the instructor creates a new Linear Circuit Analysis course and choses Semester 2 in a 2-semester course.

Week number HW number HW Assignment number Due Description
Week 1 AC power HW 1 1 End of 2nd week Compute real power, reactive power, complex power, and power factor in AC circuits.
Week 2 AC maximum power transfer HW 2 2 End of 3rd week Compute maximum power transferred in AC circuits.
Week 3 First-order transient circuits HW 3 3 End of 4th week Use the time relaxation approach to compute current and voltages in first-order transient circuits.
Week 4 ODE nodal analysis (eqs.) HW 4 4 Beginning of 6th week Write the system of nodal analysis ODEs for first, second and higher-order transient circuits (zero and non-zero initial conditions).
Week 5 ODE mesh analysis (eqs.) HW 5 5 Beginning of 6th week Write the system of mesh analysis ODEs for first, second and higher-order transient circuits (zero and non-zero initial conditions).
Week 6 Midterm 1
Week 7 Laplace transforms HW 6 6 Beginning of 8th week Compute the direct Laplace transform of various functions.
Week 7 Inverse Laplace transforms HW 7 7 End of 8th week Compute the inverse Laplace transform of various functions.
Week 8 Laplace impedance simplification HW 8 8 Beginning of 9th week Transform a circuit to s-domain and compute its equivalent s-domain impedance.
Week 9 Laplace transform nodal analysis (num.) HW 9 9 End of 10th week Convert circuits to s-domain, then write and solve the system of nodal analysis equations for first and second-order transient circuits (zero initial conditions).
Week 10 Laplace transform mesh analysis (num.) HW 10 9 End of 10th week Convert circuits to s-domain, then write and solve the system of mesh analysis equations for first and second-order transient circuits (zero initial conditions).
Week 11 Laplace analysis (num.) HW 11 10 Beginning of 11th week Source transformations, Norton/Thévenin equivalent circuits and superposition in the s-domain (zero initial conditions).
Week 12 Midterm 2
Week 13 Magnetically coupled systems NYI 11 Beginning of 14th week
Week 14 Two-port networks NYI 12 Beginning of 15th week
Week 15 Three-phase systems NYI 13 End of 16th week
Week 15 Review
Week 16 Final exam
Compute y, z, h, and t parameters of DC and AC two-port networks.