Linear Circuit Analysis
1. Introduction
2. Basic Concepts
- Currents and voltages
- Linear circuits
- Linear components
- Loops and nodes
- Series and parallel
- R, L & C combinations
- V & I combinations
- Power and energy
3. Simple Circuits
- Ohm's law
- Kirchhoff's current law
- Kirchhoff's voltage law
- Single loop circuits
- Single node-pair circuits
- Voltage division
- Current division
4. Nodal and Mesh Analysis
5. Additional Analysis Techniques
- Superposition
- Source transformation
- The $V_{test}/I_{test}$ method
- Norton equivalent
- Thévenin equivalent
- Max power transfer
6. AC Analysis
7. Magnetically Coupled Circuits
8. Operational Amplifiers
9. Laplace Transforms
10. Time-Dependent Circuits
- Introduction
- First-order transients
- Nodal analysis
- Mesh analysis
- Laplace transforms
- Additional techniques
11. Two-port networks
Bode plots
A Bode plot is a graph of the frequency response of a system. In general, a Bode plot consists of two graphs: the Bode magnitude plot and the Bode phase plot. The ordinate of the graph denotes the frequency (usualy on a log scale) while the abscisa denotes the magnitude or the phase of response function. CircuitsU can generate two types of problems in which the student has to:
- Draw the Bode magnitue plot of a given transfer function $H(\textcolor{blue}{s})$
- Find the transfer function $H(\textcolor{blue}{s})$ correspoding to a given Bode magnitude plot
Standard form of a transfer function
To draw the Bode plot of a transfer function $H(\textcolor{blue}{s})$, it is instrumental to first bring $H(\textcolor{blue}{s})$ to its standard form. The standard form of a transfer function is obtained by writting it as the ratio of two polynomials of the complex frequency $\textcolor{blue}{s}$, in which each polynomial is written as the product of first or second order polynomials in $\textcolor{blue}{s}$ with real coefficients: $$\begin{equation}H(\textcolor{blue}{s})=K_0 \textcolor{blue}{s}^{\pm N} \times \frac{ \left(1 + \frac{\textcolor{blue}{s}}{\omega_{11}}\right)^{n_{11}} \left(1 + \frac{\textcolor{blue}{s}}{\omega_{12}}\right)^{n_{12}} ...\left(1 + \frac{2 \zeta_{21} \textcolor{blue}{s}}{\omega_{21}} +\frac{\textcolor{blue}{s}^2}{\omega_{21}^2}\right)^{n_{21}}...} {\left(1 + \frac{\textcolor{blue}{s}}{\omega_{31}}\right)^{n_{31}} \left(1 + \frac{\textcolor{blue}{s}}{\omega_{32}}\right)^{n_{32}} ...\left[1 + \frac{2 \zeta_{41} \textcolor{blue}{s}}{\omega_{41}} +\frac{\textcolor{blue}{s}^2}{\omega_{41}^2}\right]^{n_{41}}...} \end{equation}$$ or, in terms of $\textcolor{blue}{s}=\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega$ $$\begin{equation}H(\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega)=K_0 (\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega)^{\pm N} \times \frac{ \left(1 + \frac{\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega}{\omega_{11}}\right)^{n_{11}} \left(1 + \frac{\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega}{\omega_{12}}\right)^{n_{12}} ... \left[1 + 2 \zeta_{21} \frac{\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega}{\omega_{21}} +\frac{(\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega _{21})^2}{\omega_{21}^2}\right]^{n_{21}}...} {\left(1 + \frac{\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega}{\omega_{31}}\right)^{n_{31}} \left(1 + \frac{\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega}{\omega_{32}}\right)^{n_{32}} ... \left[1 + 2 \zeta_{41} \frac{\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega}{\omega_{41}} +\frac{(\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega _{41})^2}{\omega_{41}^2}\right]^{n_{41}}...} \end{equation}$$ In the above expressions:
- $K_0$ is a frequency-independent factor.
- $\omega_{ij}$ are called break frequencies. The break frequencies can be either zeros if they appear in the numerator or poles if they appear in the denominator of the main fraction.
- $\zeta_{ij}$ are the damping factors associated with the respective breaking frequencies. Notice that $ 0 \le \zeta_{ij} \lt 1 $, otherwise, this term has real roots and degenerates into two zeros or poles. The damping factors can be associated only with complex zeros and poles.
- $n_{ij}$ are the orders associated with the respective breaking frequencies ($n_{ij} = 1, 2, 3,...$).
- The roots of the second order polynomials (or quadratic terms) are complex, with a non-zero imaginary part. If the roots of the quadratic terms were real, they should be split into the product of two first order polynomials with real roots.
Term | Expression | Comments |
Zero at the origin | $(\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega)^{N}$ | $N$ is the order of the zero |
Pole at the origin | $(\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega)^{-N}$ | $N$ is the order of the pole |
Simple zero/pole (also called real zero/pole) |
$1 + \frac{\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega}{\omega_{0}}$ | $\omega_0=\omega_{ij}$ is the break frequency |
Simple zero/pole of order $n$ (also called real zero/pole) |
$\left(1 + \frac{\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega}{\omega_{0}}\right)^{n}$ | $n=n_{ij}$ is the order of the zero or pole |
Quadratic zero/pole (also called complex zero/pole) |
$1 + 2 \zeta \frac{\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega}{\omega_{0}} +\frac{(\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega)^2}{\omega_{0}^2}$ | $\zeta=\zeta_{ij}$ is the damping factor |
Quadratic zero/pole or order $n$ (also called complex zero/pole) |
$\left[1 + 2 \zeta \frac{\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega}{\omega_{0}} +\frac{(\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega)^2}{\omega_{0}^2}\right]^n$ |
Bode magnitude plots
The easiest way to make the Bode magnitude plot for a given transfer function is to plot the absolute value of $20 \log |H(\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega)|$ as a function of $\omega$ using tools such as Python, Matlab, Excel, etc. The plot made in this way provides the exact values of the transfer function and is represetented in the figures below using dashed lines. However, if such tools are not available (which is unlikely ourdays!) it is possible to sketch the plot using a number of simple rules that will be discussed below.
In general, when we make the Bode magnitude plot, it is customary to represent $20 \log |H(\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega)|$ instead of $|H(\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega)|$. The units of $20 \log |H(\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega)|$ are $\: \textcolor{gray}{dB}$ (decibels). On a log scale, and if the break frequencies are well separated from each other, the Bode magnitude plot appears to be made of straight lines, for which reason we often start by approximating the plot with straight lines that are sometimes connected with round (smooth) curves at the vertexes. Such a plot is called the straight-line Bode magnitude plot.
The straight-line Bode magnitude plot approximates the exact plot relatively well if the the break frequencies are separated from each other by a factor of at least 5-10 fold (that means that each break frequency is at least 5-10 times larger than the previous one). In this case, the shape of the Bode magnitude plot around the break frequency is mostly given by the properties of that break frequency and is not influenced much by the neighboring break points. Therefore, it is useful to analyze the Bode magnitude plots given by the different types of break frequencies separately. The table below describes the shape of the Bode magnitude plot for different types of break points and gives a few examples.
Behavior | Examples | |
Zero at the origin $(\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega)^{N}$ |
Pole at the origin $(\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega)^{-N}$ |
Simple zeros $\left(1 + \frac{\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega}{\omega_{0}}\right)^n$ |
Simple poles $\frac{1}{\left(1 + \frac{\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega}{\omega_{0}}\right)^n}$ |
Complex zeros $1 + 2 \zeta \frac{\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega}{\omega_{0}} +\frac{(\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega)^2}{\omega_{0}^2}$ |
Complex poles $\frac{1}{1 + 2 \zeta \frac{\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega}{\omega_{0}} +\frac{(\textcolor{blue}{j} \omega)^2}{\omega_{0}^2)}}$ |
Sample Solved Problems
Draw the Bode magnitude plot of a given transfer function
Filter with 2 real zeros
Filter with 1 simple and 1 double zero
Filter with at most 2 zeros and multiple poles
Filter with 1 real zero, 1 real pole and 1 complex pole
Band-pass filter - 3
Band-stop filter
Find the transfer function from the given Bode magnitude plot
Filter with 1 real zero and 1 real pole
Band-pass filter - 1
Draw the Bode magnitude plot of a given transfer function
Filter with 1 real zero
Filter with 2 real zeros
Filter with 1 double zero
Filter with 1 triple zero
Filter with 1 simple and 1 double zero
Filter with 1 complex zero
Filter with 1 real and 1 complex zero
Filter with 1 double real and 1 complex root
Filter with 1 pole
Filter with 1 zero at origin and 1 pole
Filter with 1 zero and 1 pole
Filter with at most 1 zero and multiple poles
Filter with at most 2 zeros and multiple poles
Filter with two poles
Filter with 1 complex pole
Filter with 1 real and 1 complex pole
Filter with 1 real zero and 1 complex pole
Filter with 1 real zero, 1 real pole and 1 complex pole
Filter with double real and complex poles
Filter with 1 zero, 1 double real and 1 complex pole
Band-pass filter - 1
Band-pass filter - 2
Band-pass filter - 3
Band-stop filter
Find the transfer function from the given Bode magnitude plot
Filter with 1 real zero
Filter with 1 real pole
Filter with 1 zero at origin and 1 real pole
Filter with 1 real zero and 1 real pole
Filter with at most 1 zero and multiple real poles
Filter with at most 2 zeros and multiple real poles
Filter with 3 zeros and multiple real poles
Band-pass filter - 1
Band-pass filter - 2
Band-pass filter - 3
Band-stop filter