Linear Circuit Analysis

Current Source Combinations


Current sources should never be combined in series.


If two or more current sources $I_1$, $I_2$, ... $I_n$ are connected in parallel they can be replaced with a single current source with $$I_{eff}=\pm I_1 \pm I_2\pm...\pm I_n$$ where the terms in the right hand side are taken with $+$ sign if the corresponding current source $I_i$ is oriented in the same direction with $I_{eff}$ and with $-$ sign if $I_i$ is oriented in opposite direction with $I_{eff}$. Since all the current sources are connecte in parallel, when we replace $I_i$ with $I_{eff}$, we need to remove the other current sources.

For instance, considering the circuit in Fig. 1, current sources $I_1$, $I_2$, and $I_3$ are connected in parallel. Therefore, we can keep one the current sources, say $I_1$, replace its value with $I_{eff}=I_1-I_2+I_3$, and remove current sources $I_2$ and $I_3$ from the circuit.

I R1 R2 I1 I2 I3 R R1 R2 Ieff R R1 R2 Ieff R R1 R2 Ieff
Fig. 1. When combining multiple current sources that are connected in parallel, we keep one current source and remove the others. The 4 diagrams are equivalent with each other.
See also