Linear Circuit Analysis

How to Type Equations

The tables below shows what to submit formulas or equations using the default 1-D Equation Editor in CircuitsU. If you want to submit multiple equations in the same textbox you needs to write each equation on a separate line. To submit a single line answer (such as the final answer in a problem) you can type the final numerical value with or without any units or the analytical formula. Notice that CircuitsU also has a 2-D Equation Editor that is easier to use and can be activated by going to Manage your account > Settings. The 2-D Equation Editor is currently implemented only in a few type of problems.

Table 1. How to submit numerical answers.
To submit... type...
$1.234\times10^{-3}$ 0.001234
1.234m (use postfixes for powers of 10: n for $10^{-9}$, u for $10^{-6}$, m for $10^{-3}$, k for $10^3$, M for $10^6$, and G for $10^9$)
$I_0=2\:{\textcolor{gray}A}$ I0=2 A
I0=2 (units are optional)
2 A (you don't need to specify the sought variable if you submit a single-line answer)
$V_0=2\:{\textcolor{gray}{kV}}$ V0=2000 V
V0=2000 (units are optional)
$45°$ 45 deg
$45 \: \textcolor{gray}{rad}$ 45 rad
Table 2. How to submit mathematical formulas using the 1-D Equation Editor.
To submit... type...
$R_1+R_2+R_3$ R1+R2+R2
$\frac{R_1 R_2}{R_1+R_2}$ R1*R2/(R1+R2) (the multiplication sign between R1 and R2 is mandatory in this case)
$\frac{1}{\frac{1}{C_1}+\frac{1}{C_2}+\frac{1}{C_3}}$ 1/(1/C1+1/C2+1/C3) or (1/C1+1/C2+1/C3)^(-1)
$\frac{1}{\textcolor{blue}{j}\omega C}+j\omega L$ 1/(jwC)+jwL
$P_d= R_1 (i_2-i_3)^2$ Pd=R1*(i2-i3)^2
Pd=R1(i2-i3)^2 (the multiplication sign is optional when multiplying a number with a symbolic quantity)
R1(i2-i3)^2 (it is optional to specify the sought variable if you submit a single-line answer)
$2\times 10^6\times [3-(a+b)]$ 2M*(3-(a+b)) (replace square brackets with paranthesis)
$2 i_1+ R_1 I_x -7 = 0$ 2*i1+R1/Ix-7=0 (if you submit an equation make sure you don't forget the equal sign)
$i_1=\frac{v_1-v_2}{R1}-\frac{v_3}{6.5}$ (v1-v2)/R1-v3/6.5=0
$\frac{i_1}{2 \textcolor{blue}{j}}+3j(i_1-i_2)$ 0=i1/(2*j)+3*j*(i1-i2) ($\textcolor{blue}{j}$ denotes imaginary number $\textcolor{blue}{j}=\sqrt{-1}$)
Table 3. How to submit differential and integral equations using the 1-D Equation Editor.
To submit... type...
$\dfrac{dv_{1}(t)}{dt}$ derivative(v1(t),t)
$\dfrac{dv_{1}}{dt}$ (incorrect) It is incorrect to use derivative(v1,t) (see the above line for the correct expression). You need to show the time dependance explicitly when referring to time-dependent quantities in CircuitsU. Therefore, you need v1(t) instead of v1.
$\int_{0}^{t}i_{1}(t){dt}$ integral(i1(t),t)
$\int_{0}^{t}i_{1}{dt}$ (incorrect) It is incorrect to use integral(v1,t) (see the above line for the correct expression). You need to show the time dependance explicitly when referring to time-dependent quantities in CircuitsU. Therefore, you need i1(t) instead of i1.
$I(t)=C\dfrac{d[v_{1}(t)-v_{2}(t)]}{dt}$ I(t)=C*derivative(v1(t)-v2(t),t)
$I(t)=\frac{1}{L}\int_{0}^{t}[v_{1}(t)-v_{2}(t)]{dt}$ I(t)=1/L*integral(v1(t)-v2(t),t)

Note that the constants and functions shown in see Table 4 might not always be available when you submit answers. Their availability depends on what you are asked to submit at that particular step.

Table 4. Predefined constants and functions.
Constant/Function Code
$\textcolor{blue}{j}=\sqrt{-1}$ j
$\pi$ pi or 3.14
$e^x$ exp(x)
$a^b$ a^b
$\sqrt{x}$ sqrt(x)
$\sin(x)$ sin(x)
$\cos(x)$ cos(x)
E.g.: cos(45 deg) or cos(0.785 rad)
See also