Linear Circuit Analysis
1. Introduction
2. Basic Concepts
- Currents and voltages
- Linear circuits
- Linear components
- Loops and nodes
- Series and parallel
- R, L & C combinations
- V & I combinations
- Power and energy
3. Simple Circuits
- Ohm's law
- Kirchhoff's current law
- Kirchhoff's voltage law
- Single loop circuits
- Single node-pair circuits
- Voltage division
- Current division
4. Nodal and Mesh Analysis
5. Additional Analysis Techniques
- Superposition
- Source transformation
- The $V_{test}/I_{test}$ method
- Norton equivalent
- Thévenin equivalent
- Max power transfer
6. AC Analysis
7. Magnetically Coupled Circuits
8. Operational Amplifiers
9. Laplace Transforms
10. Time-Dependent Circuits
- Introduction
- First-order transients
- Nodal analysis
- Mesh analysis
- Laplace transforms
- Additional techniques
11. Two-port networks
Nodal Analysis in Time-Dependent Circuits
The nodal analysis method that we introduced for DC and AC circuits can be generalized to time-dependent circuits. In this case, the method results into a system of integro-differential equations, which can be reduced to a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) that needs to be solved to compute the time-dependent nodal potentials $v_i(t)$, where $i=1,...,n$. The system of nodal analysis equations contains:
- Voltage constrained equations (one equation for each voltage source)
- Kirchhoff's current law equations (one equation per node or supernode)
Voltage constrained equations
The voltage constrained equations are written in the same way as in the case of DC circuits, the only difference being that the voltages of the sources are time-dependent: $$\begin{equation}V_i(t)=v_{i+}(t)-v_{i-}(t)\end{equation}$$ where $i=1,...,m$ and $v_{i+}(t)-v_{i-}(t)$ is the difference between the potentials of the positive and the negative electrodes of source $m$.
Branch currents
When we write KCL, the branch currents depend on the type of the device, as described in Table 1.
Name | Symbol | Branch current (t-domain) |
Independent current source | $$\begin{equation}I(t)\end{equation}$$ | |
Resistor | $$\begin{equation}I(t)=\frac{V(t)}{R}\end{equation}$$ | |
Capacitor | $$\begin{equation}I(t)=C\dfrac{dV(t)}{dt}\end{equation}$$ | |
Inductor | $$\begin{equation}I(t)=I(t_0)+\frac{1}{L}\int_{t_0}^{t}V(t){dt}\end{equation}$$ |
For instance, the nodal equation in time-domain for node $v_{3}$ for the circuit represented in Fig. 1 is
$$\begin{equation}C\dfrac{d(v_{3}-v_{2})(t)}{dt} + I_{L0}+\frac{1}{L_1}\int_{0}^{t}(v_{3}-v_{5}){dt} + \frac{v_{3}-v_{2}}{R_{1}}=0\end{equation}$$where $I_{L0}$ is the current going through the inductor at $t=0$. Notice that the previous equation is valid for $t>0$. To simplify notations, we have not denoted explicitly that $v_1$,..., $v_5$ are functions of $t$, however, we should consider them as $v_1(t)$,..., $v_5(t)$.
(Notice the similarity with DC circuits)Assume we have a circuit with $n$ nodes (excluding the ground node), $m$ voltage sources and $c$ control variables.
Step 1. Identify the nodes in the circuit and select one of them as a reference node. The reference node is treated as ground node.
Step 2. Label the potentials at each of the $n$ nodes with $v_1$, $v_2$, ..., $v_n$, where $n$ is the number of nodes (excluding the ground node).
Step 3. Write the system of nodal analysis (ordinary differential) equations, which will have $n+c$ equations ($m$ voltage constrained equations, $n-m$ KCL equations, and $c$ equations for the control variables). It is a good practice two write the $n+c$ equations in the order specified below:
A. Write $m$ voltage constrained equations. Write one voltage constrained equations for each source $$\begin{equation}V_i(t)=v_{i+}(t)-v_{i-}(t)\end{equation}$$ where $i=1,...,m$ and $v_{i+}(t)-v_{i-}(t)$ is the difference between the potentials of the positive and the negative electrodes of source $m$.
B. Write $c$ equations for control variables. Express each control variable (that usually appear in the definition of dependent sources) in terms of the $n$ nodal potentials.
C. Write KCL equations for regular nodes. Write KCL for each of regular node that does not connect a voltage source. When writing KCL, the current through each resistor (or impedance in the case of AC circuits) should be computed using Ohm's law.
D. Write KCL equations for supernodes. Write KCL for each supernode. As before, when writing KCL, the current through each resistor (or impedance) should be computed using Ohm's law.
Step 4. Solve the system on nodal analysis equations to compute the $n$ nodal potentials and $c$ control variables, which, in general, will all now be time-dependent.
Step 5. Compute the sought variables.
Sample Solved Problems
Writting the integro-differential equations in TD nodal analysis
Circuit with 3 nodes, 1 voltage source, 2 resistors, 1 inductor/capacitor (analytical, write system of ODEs with nonzero IC)
Circuit with 5 nodes, 1 voltage source, 2 current sources, 4 resistors, 1 inductor, 1 capacitor (analytical, write system of ODEs with nonzero IC)
Nodal analysis in the s-domain (see the Laplace transforms section)
Circuit with 3 nodes, 1 voltage source, 1 current source, 2 resistors, 1 inductor/capacitor (numerical in s-domain)
Circuit with 3 nodes, 1 voltage source, 1 current source, 2 resistors, 1 inductor, 1 capacitor (numerical in s-domain)
Writting the integro-differential equations in TD nodal analysis (analytical)
Circuit with 3 nodes, 1 voltage source, 2 resistors, 1 inductor/capacitor (analytical, write system of ODEs with nonzero IC)
Circuit with 4 nodes, 2 current sources, 3 resistors, 1 inductor, 1 capacitor (analytical, write system of ODEs with nonzero IC)
Circuit with 5 nodes, 1 voltage source, 2 current sources, 4 resistors, 1 inductor, 1 capacitor (analytical, write system of ODEs with nonzero IC)
Circuit with 5 nodes, 2 voltage sources, 1 current source, 2 resistors, 2 inductors, 2 capacitors, supernode (analytical, write system of ODEs with nonzero IC)
Circuit with 5/6 nodes, 2 voltage sources, 1 current source, 2 resistors, 2 inductors, 2 capacitors, 1 dependent source, supernode (analytical, write system of ODEs with nonzero IC)
Circuit with 7 nodes, 2 voltage sources, 2 current sources, 3 resistors, 3 inductors, 3 capacitors, 2 dependent sources, supernode (analytical, write system of ODEs with nonzero IC)
Writting and solving the s-domain equations in TD nodal analysis (numerical)
Circuit with 3 nodes, 1 voltage source, 1 current source, 2 resistors, 1 inductor (numerical in s-domain)
Circuit with 3 nodes, 1 voltage source, 1 current source, 2 resistors, 1 capacitor (numerical in s-domain)
Circuit with 3 nodes, 1 voltage source, 1 current source, 2 resistors, 1 inductor/capacitor (numerical in s-domain)
Circuit with 3 nodes, 1 voltage source, 1 current source, 2 resistors, 1 inductor, 1 capacitor (numerical in s-domain)
Circuit with 4 nodes, 2 current sources, 3 resistors, 1 inductor, 1 capacitor (numerical in s-domain)
Circuit with 5 nodes, 1 voltage source, 2 current sources, 4 resistors, 1 inductor, 1 capacitor (numerical in s-domain)
Circuit with 4 nodes, 1 voltage source, 1 current source, 3 resistors, 1 inductor, 1 capacitor, 1 dependent source (numerical in s-domain)